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Author: Rachael Adams

22 Jun Summer 2024 Pilates at Halo

Summer is here! And, we've got a brand new term of Pilates courses planned to take you through July and August! Our new 8-week Summer Pilates courses start during week commencing 1st July 2024, all take place in our fabulous Pilates Studio in Kenilworth, and there are...

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22 Apr New! Horse Rider Assessments

Improve performance by working with Senior Physiotherapist, Lucy Bell who is offering the equestrian community horse rider assessments that aim to improve suppleness, flexibility, control and strength in the saddle. Looking at biomechanical issues from your riding position, a detailed off horse session and treatment plan...

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05 Apr Breathe & Be

Book now to join a new 6 week course at Halo focussing on breathwork & meditation to help you to feel relaxed, balanced & energised, and find clarity & calm within yourself, with Wellbeing & Mindfulness coach, Charlotte Kershaw. Breathe & Be takes place on...

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22 Feb Spring 2024 Pilates at Halo

Spring is on its way and that only mean better weather (fingers crossed!) and, of course, a new term of Pilates at Halo! New 8-week Spring Pilates courses at Halo start during week commencing 11th March 2024 and daytime and evening class times are available throughout...

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16 Feb Welcome Back Lucy!

We’re excited to say Senior Physiotherapist, Lucy Bell has returned from her travels exploring New Zealand and Australia and is now back in clinic! Having returned home from what looked an amazing trip from the photos we’ve seen (like the one we’ve posted here!), Lucy is...

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08 Feb Introducing Adam Thomas!

We're delighted to announce Adam Thomas has joined our team! Adam is a Sports Massage Therapist and joins Halo having worked with elite athletes, local league sports people and of course individuals for who sports massage brings so many benefits regardless of if they play sport...

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02 Nov Mindfulness & Relaxation at Halo

We’re delighted to welcome Wellbeing & Mindfulness coach, Charlotte Kershaw to Halo. Charlotte will be running Mindfulness & Relaxation sessions from Halo on Tuesday evenings and has a new 6-week course starting on Tuesday 7th November. Mindfulness is all about being present and is an amazing practice...

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22 Oct Pre-habilitation Prior to Surgery

Pre-habilitation prior to surgery is key in ensuring the body is properly prepared and ready for recovery. If you’re due to have surgery in the near future, be it a total knee/hip/shoulder replacement, ligament repair, arthroscopy or spinal surgery, we cannot stress strongly enough the importance...

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