08 Mar Pain! Early Intervention is Key!
Halo run several free drop in events throughout the year and there are several reasons we do this:
1) it provides a service for the local community, especially for those who may not otherwise be able to attend private physiotherapy sessions
2) it creates awareness of the vast array of conditions that physiotherapists can help with
3) it encourages people to ask for advice on pain they have been putting off seeking help for
As I ran the most recent of these drop in events it struck me again how many people are living with pain, aches, limitations or worries and not seeking help soon enough.
Time constraints, not knowing who to ask, ‘hoping it will just get better’ and thinking no-one can help are just a few of the reasons patients have given to me for this.
People also think that if their pain is not severe or present all of the time, we won’t believe them or be able to identify any issues.
This is not true!
Just by asking about where the pain is, how it behaves, what it feels like, when it occurs and questioning other relevant factors, physiotherapists are highly skilled to identify potential diagnoses before even starting a physical examination.
In fact, the physical examination usually just confirms what a skilled physiotherapist will be suspecting after the subjective exam (questions). Then they can then discuss the findings with you.
Patients also think we need to be able to poke and prod the painful spot to diagnose. Again, this isn’t true! We can locate the cause for pain or injury by looking at detailed movements of the spine and limbs – and observing the flexibility and strength of soft tissues.
Also people sometimes don’t think their pain is a physiotherapy problem or they are worried that something serious is causing it. A physiotherapy assessment is a vital screening session. If pain does not present as a mechanical muscle, nerve, joint or soft tissue condition, physiotherapists are well placed to refer for further investigations or to see a GP or Consultant.
I would always encourage people to ask sooner rather than later for help with pain or injury. It is much easier to treat a recent, seemingly small issue than wait weeks or months when secondary problems can occur and make for a longer recovery.
If in doubt, please contact us here at Halo – as early intervention is the key to being pain free.
Blog compiled by Michelle Henry, Principal Physiotherapist at Halo Physio
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