22 May Keeping You Up To Date
Here at Halo we’ve been following the Covid-19 situation and the government’s phased easing of restrictions extremely closely, particularly with when we might be able to safely re-open our clinics and classes in mind.
Thankfully, things are beginning to look a little brighter across the UK right now and, like you all, we hope the situation continues to improve and we get a firm grip on this dreadful virus.
However, taking into account current government safety instructions, advice from our clinical professional bodies and our own interpretation of the current situation, Halo does remain closed and unable to offer face to face appointments and group classes at this point in time.
We do continue to offer Virtual Physiotherapy Appointments to provide help and support to patients in a safe way, and we have also launched a series of Online Pilates Classes.
Going forward, we are very hopeful that we will reach the point of being able to safely re-open in the near future. This will most likely involve offering face to face physiotherapy to those most in need in the early stages of re-opening, before we widen appointment availability and also look to resume classes.
All of this will of course be conducted in the safest environment we can possibly create, and we will be following stringent safety measures.
We trust you understand that our top priority right now is the health and wellbeing of our patients, our team, all of our families and indeed our local community, and we very much thank you for your continued support.
Michelle and Rachael
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